- Rant about my neighbors
- Talk about my evacuation from Hurricane Rita
- Listen to a few minutes of Howard Stern
- Rock out to Billy Idol on Jack FM
- Bitch about the state of FM radio
- Revel in the celebrity screwups of Renee Zellweger and Jamie Lynn Sigler-Discala
- And beg for your donations
Friday, September 30, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #36
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #35
This week's focus will be the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I'll be talking about the myths spread in the days after the disaster, celebrities, and the media's failure to cover the full story. It's a long one, so grab a cup of coffee and get ready for some action.
Relevant Links:
New Orleans Disaster Evacuation Plan: It was located here but strangely enough has been removed from the site.
Story on the Superdome being an inadequate shelter: Click Here
Red Cross stopped outside New Orleans: Click Here
Buses, Lots of Buses:
Relevant Links:
New Orleans Disaster Evacuation Plan: It was located here but strangely enough has been removed from the site.
Story on the Superdome being an inadequate shelter: Click Here
Red Cross stopped outside New Orleans: Click Here
Buses, Lots of Buses:
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #34
MAYDAY! The city of New Orleans, Louisiana has sunk and several cities on the Gulf Coast have been demolished. Several hundred thousand people are refugees and it can actually get worse over the next few days. I wish it was a joke or an exaggeration but it isn't. Hurricane Katrina cut through a large swath of the Gulf Coast of the Unites States like a 145 mile per hour buzzsaw. The devasation is massive and now levee breaches in the city of New Orleans have made a bad situation much worse. Now is not the time for political sniping and ridiculous finger pointing. It's time to get off of our butts and help any way we can. I'm urging people to donate money to the American Red Cross fund for Hurricane 2005 Relief. Listen for more details on the effects and aftermath of what is turning out to be the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #33
Back for the attack this week talking disease and disgraced celebrities. Plus Google continues to take over the desktop and news on the war in Iraq that you can't find anywhere else.
- Lung Cancer, Celebrities and the Media
- Certain diseases only get attention when celebrities are afflicted
- Why should the public be any more upset over a celebrity dying from disease as opposed to a regular non-famous person?
- Smoking, Disease and Folks Who Smoke
- How did you get started?
- Stop now for heavens sake!
- Celebrity Screw Ups of the Week
- Courtney Love
- Eminem
- Madonna
- Dwight Gooden
- Victoria Gotti
- Google Shakes It Up Again
- They've added Google Talk, Google Earth, Google Video and Google Desktop in recent months
- Yahoo, AOL and MSN are probably having fits
- Can an Operating System be too far off?
- Get Your Iraq War Info Here
- Sign Off
Monday, August 15, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #32
I owe and you owe so off to work we go. But not T.O. and some of the other spoiled professional sports athletes. Why is it so common that people making multi million dollar contracts are not "happy" and decide to either sit out or be a total nuisance? If you or I did that we'd be in the poor house. The bottom line is that some pro athletes need to stop crying and start playing. A little follow up on reality show madness with a new segment called Vincent Safuto's Two Cents. And I ask the age old question: Has Angelina Jolie ever made a "good" movie?
- Intro
- No go for T.O.
- Reality TV Update
- Has Angelina Jolie ever made a good movie?
- Try watching Pushing Tin, Playing God, Gone in 60 Seconds or Taking Lives
- Sign Off
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #31
I'm baaaaaack! With lots to say and plenty of time to say it. It's a stripped down, no nonsense PCR. Forty five minutes chock full of rants on Rafael Palmeiro, aka Mr. Juice. It's not just about steroids, it's about vanity that's destroying our culture. More rants about TV and the entertainment industry. Even as reality shows galore fail, the networks and mainstream entertainment outlets still pump the same crap down our throats. And a story about a real nasty confrontation with a neighbor at my condo complex.
- Intro
- Rafael Palmeiro's positive steroid test and subsequent denial
- The collapsing world of mainstream entertainment
- One crazy woman with a really big dog and a chest shaven, tattooed boyfriend/fiancee/whatever
- Sign Off
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #30
We move to a lighter tone this week on the PCR. And why not? Eighties nostalgia acts like INXS are making fools of themselves with their new reality show. Celebrities seem to get dumber every day with Jude Law doing the nasty dance with a nanny, while his kids are in the next room! And so much more. Plus, I'm still mad at Apple for keeping indie podcasters locked out of controlling our iTunes podcasts. Cablevision may have finally stopped calling me about their crappy extra services.
- Intro (00:00)
- Reaction to the last show (01:15)
- Apple can KMA (04:15)
- Reality Show Madness (15:10)
- INXS searches for a singer
- Paula Abdul dance show
- Being Bobby Brown
- Celebrity Ridiculousness (26:37)
- Jude Law does the nanny dance
- Colin Farrell is simply an idiot
- Pam Anderson - Tommy Lee III (coming to pay per view!)
- Tom Sizemore in trouble...again!
- Cablevision can KMA (36:00)
- Converting old cassette tapes (39:30)
- Sign Off (42:00)
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #29
It's a special PCR this week, related to terrorism and the bombings in London last week. Be warned, I've got some pretty strong ideas on this topic. It's time that we get the air cleared though. Why does the media get a free pass on spreading the word of the terrorists? Why won't the media call them terrorists? Why does the media continue to legitimize terrorists by spreading their message and reporting patently absurd theories about who was behind the London bombings? It's a sad state of affairs that we've got right now with the mass media acting as sick referees, refusing to call terrorism what it is. Now is the time to galvanize support for fighting terrorism worldwide.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #28
Andy Warhol once said that everyone would have their 15 minutes of fame. I think all of those people will now have 30 minutes on a reality show after their 15 minutes of fame. I go for the jugular once again, taking on the likes of Bob "Mr. Self Promotion" Geldof, Apple (once again), and of course a few celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. Oh and there will be a service rant or two in the mix.
- Intro (0:00)
- Apple Hijacking Podcasters Media (1:22)
- Post Office Rant (6:29)
- Please sign your credit cards prior to aproaching the window!
- Chevrolet warranty service gripes (11:45)
- Live8 Accomplishes Nothing (18:55)
- More rock star posing featuring Bob Geldof
- Oversimplification of a very serious issue
- Britney Spears' Money Issues (27:30)
- Mrs. Federline (Yo!) needs more cash
- Lindsay Lohan - Lollipop Girl (31:32)
- 19 going on 40
- Sign Off (35:30)
Friday, July 01, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #27
Back to business this week with some new rants on Scientology, the deli counter, poor parenting and frustrations with Apple Computer. Plus, a random celebrity sighting and answers to people's comments about last week's show.
- Intro (0:00)
- Last Week's Show Reaction (0:30)
- Tom Cruise's Scientology Rampage (5:00)
- The U.S. should hire his old publicist
- Summer in NY City (7:10)
- Celebrity Sighting - Lili Taylor
- Popular Cults (8:30)
- Scientology
- My Scientology Story
- The Kabbalah
- Deli Counter Woes (23:40)
- Psycho Mom at our new pediatrician's office (27:00)
- Apple Computer Rant (31:25)
- Podcasting support in iTunes is great, but they're products are closed
- Are Apple owners part of a pseudo-cult?
- Sign Off (35:00)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #26
It's a rant from hell this week as your host takes some people on over a very hot topic, the bashing of America. From expatriate VCs to RSS founders to elite intellectuals, Microsoft bloggers and German rabble rousers, it's a full on KMA fest. Why the fuss? Simply put, enough is enough. The blogosphere and airwaves have become thick with anti-American and anti-Democratic propaganda from a variety of sources. And like all propaganda, it's filled with half truths and misconceptions. Prepare yourself for a very different but very necessary rant this week.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #25
I'm back and a dad and still as p'oed as ever over the injustices of the world. Even more so now that I have yet another life to protect and take care of. And what a crazy two weeks it's been. Bob Geldof and Bono are up to their same old tricks. Can they really save Africa with music? Russell Crowe melts down at the Mercer Hotel. Oi Vey! Lisa Kudrow should not have "Comeback." The ridiculousness of 9/11 survivor cash. The Mike Tyson debacle. And much more.
- Intro (0:00)
- It's true I'm a dad now, but I'm still ranting (0:30)
- Show Summary (2:20)
- Bob Geldof returns with his Live8 Concert (3:12)
- Live Aid was a bust
- Bono on the stump
- Why not have the artists donate themselves?
- Michael Jackson - Not Guilty! (15:45)
- Russell Crowe throws a telephone hissy fit (16:08)
- Cinderella Man takes the perp walk
- Big payday coming for the victim
- Someone please tell Russell about Skype
- Sunday (and Monday) night on HBO (20:20)
- Lisa Kudrow's bad comeback
- Entourage on my mind
- Final season for Six Feet Under
- 9/11 survivors gone wild (26:10)
- Mike Tyson gets his a$$ kicked (30:00)
- Good riddance dude
- Sign Off (34:00)
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #24
It's a special PCR this week as it's my last show before I become a dad for the first time. That means I'll be off the air next week. But don't worry, I'll be back in two weeks. And for now you get to hear some ranting and raving about banks, and the propensity for pushing credit cards on us. I also take aim at a music industry that continually sells us mediocrity. And an apology to folks in Australia who had the Apprentice finale spoiled by last weeks episode. Sorry mates!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #23
It's a full on dust up in this week's PCR. I get into it with the video blog site Rocketboom in a serious manner. TV finales are in full swing here in the U.S. and we provide the highlights of The Apprentice and Deadwood season endings. Also, a follow up on my problems with The Home Depot.
- Intro (0:00)
- Program Notes (0:30)
- The child arrives soon so expect a missed week in the near future.
- This show may contain mature content.
- Show Overview
- At war with Rocketboom (3:00)
- The Apprentice (33:05)
- Deadwood Update (36:45)
- Home Depot Woes Continued (41:30)
- Sign Off (44:37)
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #22
This week we have an extended version of the PCR. I request apologies for my use of the "C" word during the last PCR as I can't lose my only German listeners. Comments on the recent Dave Chappelle meltdown. Star Wars overkill is killing me. Doctors are pissing me off again. Why do they insist on taking us backwards in the treatment of pregnant women? And my new entertainment center experience has been less than delightful. Damn, I'm back to two remote controls again! As a bonus, my brother (the newspaper guy) joins me via Skype to discuss the latest Newsweek debacle involving (apparently false) allegations about the desecration of the Quran at Guantanamo Bay.
- Intro (0:00)
- "C" Word apologies (0:50)
- Dave Chapelle goes to South Africa (3:51)
- Star Wars madness (7:15)
- What's wrong with doctors? (9:22)
- Entertainment center odyssey(15:38)
- Skype shootout on the Newsweek Quran story debacle (19:22)
- Sign Off (50:22)
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #21
It's Hollywood madness this week on the PCR. Paula Abdul, Tom Cruise, the RIAA, Marriott and David Mamet find their way into the crosshairs on the PCR. That's bad for most and good for some. Listen in to find out details. Also, the Deadwood update. Be forewarned, there are some bad words on this podcast, including the dreaded C word.
- Intro
- Service Rant Follow Up
- Me to my car service, "You're fired!"
- Marriott surprises me
- Hollywood Madness
- Welcome to the PR Machine
- Paula Abdul Gets A Boy Toy
- Katie and Tom...A Sham
- Lamaze Breathing Practice
- Rage on the RIAA
- Glengarry Glen Ross
- Movie Adapted From David Mamet Play
- Back on Broadway and I'll Be There
- Have a David Mamet Film Festival
- The Deadwood Update
- The Boy's Dead Now
- The Bank Is Opening
- Only Two Episodes Left
- Sign Off
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #20
Call the dog (owner) catcher on this week's PCR? The NY City area is going to the dogs because many dog owners in the city fail to properly take care of their pooches. With the summer arriving, much dog poo and pee will be gracing the city streets. YUCK! Plus, Adam and his buddy Ron get Sirius. Paris Hilton's podcast sucks. And of course, the Deadwood Update.
- Intro
- Dog Owner Madness
- Adam and Ron get Sirius
- The first step in selling podcast out to the marketers
- Quality content comes first!
- This is now and should continue to be an open medium
- The Paris Hilton Podcast
- Just awful
- A bad representation of podcasting
- Another example of marketing above all
- The Deadwood Update
- Why'd they kill the kid?
- Al plots against the Pinkerton chick
- Annexation coming soon
- Sign Off
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #19
Service...Where the hell is it these days? That's the question your host puts forth on this episode of the PCR. Champagne wishes, caviar dreams and a $2oo toilet repair. What? How do you feel about fodcasting? No misspelling there folks FODCASTING. Listen in for the details on that. Martha's in hot water again, Bad Santa rocks and of course, The Deadwood Update.
- Intro
- Program Notes
- New donate button
- Video Extras
- Service Rants
- Saved by Amex
- Home Depot Rant
- The Lack of Service These Days
- Fodcasting
- Bad Santa Shocks and Surprises
- Martha's Parole Issues
- The Deadwood Update
- NY Newsday Podcasting Article - link
- Sign Off
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #18
We're rolling on the NJ Turnpike on this week's PCR. Yes it's a very mobile (but very important) rant this week. What's with that Amtrak Acela brake debacle? Your host provides the skinny on that action. Adam Curry's soundseeing tour in a Waldorf Astoria elevator is worthy of a rant, as well as his continued slamming of U.S. airport security. A scoreboard malfunction at Shea Stadium is just another example of uber-marketing gone wrong. A tidbit on capturing Google mail via RSS. And a love affair with Onfolio...
- Intro
- The Amtrak Mess
- Curry Elevator Soundseeing Comments + Air Security Rant
- New York Mets Scoreboard Malfunction
- Google Mail via RSS - https://gmail.google.com/gmail/feed/atom/
- Onfolio releases version 2.0 - http://www.onfolio.com
- Sign Off
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #17
It's a special PCR as your host interviews his big brother. The main topic of conversation is the media. The media has a great impact on people's opinion and your host thinks that they're failing to deliver objective news that's thoroughly research. The media has a responsibility to be thorough and objective, given the fact that many people base their opinions on a variety of topics as a result of what gets reported. We find out in this conversation that five organizations control over 75% of the print news reported in the U.S.
- Intro
- Media Reporting in Iraq
- The Major U.S. Media Players
- The New York Times
- Associated Press
- Reuters
- L.A. Times
- Washington Post
- The Dan Rather Incident
- The Role of Bloggers
- The Media vs. Fox News
- Sign Off
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #16
Welcome back to a slightly longer version of the PCR! Your host reads a letter from a friend stationed in Iraq and lets loose on the news media's weak coverage of the situation over there. USA Today gets dropped on his doorstep so you get a rant on the weaknesses of that newspaper. A call to Dell support yields frustration and even more work. Is it open season on the Pope just a few days after his death? And, The Deadwood Update.
- Intro
- Letter from Iraq
- News Media Rant
- Frustration with Dell Support
- USA Today Rant
- Pope John Paul II
- Deadwood Update
- Sign Off
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #15
Your host is blazing mad on this episode of the PCR. Woody Allen gets away with statutory rape while regular folks end up in the slammer over stuff like this. And meanwhile actors fawn over this jerk. Boycott Woody Allen! Read the book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy BEFORE the movie comes out next month. Your host's Contender habit is broken, but now he's hooked on another reality show! March madness is on...and it is mad. Shouldn't those kids be getting paid to play that game? And finally, ridiculous fighting over feeding tubes.
- Intro
- Woody Allen gets away with it...
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
- Project Greenlight
- The Bachelor's disgusting male lead
- Farrah Fawcett tortures use
- The NCAA Tournament
- The Terry Schiavo fiasco
- Sign Off
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #14
It's open season on home improvers on this episode of the PCR. Your host is time constrained due to his own home improvement project. Where did all the small, personable hardware stores go? Listen in so you can feel his pain. Also, Whitney Houston and Tom Sizemore entering rehab...again. Seems like your host's prediction of big celeb screw ups in 2005 is coming true. Plus, more talk about the hit HBO show, Deadwood.
- Intro
- Watching Paint Dry
- The Home Improvement Culture
- Home Depot Odyssey
- Whitney Houston Off To Rehab
- Tom Sizemore Mouths Off
- Celebs In The Ozone
- Deadwood Update
- Sign Off
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #13
Your (very angry) host riffs a bit more on steroids and baseball. Farewell and good riddance to Mr. Barry Bonds. This steroid thing is just one part of America's obsession with vanity. Why does style always seem to come before substance? I recently took a trip to New Orleans, a crazy and fun town where people tend to dress (and frequently act) inappropriately. Robert Blake gets off on his murder trial. The quality of Martin Scorsese's films has declined in recent years.
- Intro
- Baseball Steroid Follow Up
- Vanity in America
- Trip to New Orleans
- Robert Blake Found Innocent!
- Martin Scorsese
- Sign Off
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #12
Steroids, Steroids, Steroids. Your host weighs in on the Congressional hearings on steroids in baseball. Don't comedians have something to joke about other than Michael Jackson? Are you a CPA? What's a CPA? Listen in, find out and take the CPA test. What's up with Billy Joel? This great writer and performer just can't keep his "issue" in check. Has his celebrity only magnified his personal demons?
- Intro
- MLB Steroid Testimony Montage/Rant
- Listener Comments
- The Michael Jackson Pile On
- CPA's
- Mourning Billy Joel
- Sign Off
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #11
Have you seen the movie Alfie? No, not the Jude Law version, but the original Michael Caine version. It's smashing, but very disturbing. Denis Leary passes the Chris Rock test. Save me from The Contender, please! Do podcasts really need land based telephone comment lines? How about, NO! Gas prices are high, but Starbucks coffee will run you $32.00 a gallon. So, a guy gets shot outside a radio studio where 50 Cent is plugging his new album. Of course, the shooting makes big news and 50 Cent gets plenty of free marketing. Hmmm, I wonder...
- Intro
- Alfie w/Michael Caine
- Denis Leary
- The Contender
- Podcast Comment Lines
- Gas Prices
- Phony Rap Wars
- Sign Off
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #10
It's commentary without compromise on the PCR...as usual. Martha's back and she needs to lay low, or else. The sequel to Get Shorty is out. It seems to me that most sequels either aren't a good idea or are missing a key element, known as STORY. The music industry is a mess and something needs to be done. And much more...
- Intro
- Martha Stewart
- Bad Sequels
- State of the Music Industry
- Deadwood Returns!
- Has dating really gone the way of the dinosaurs?
- Sign Off
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #9
Have you ever tried to get a seat on a crowded bus or train while people hogged more than one seat? Your host was recently in this unfortunate situation while riding the train from New York to Boston. Marketing madness continues. Celebrity breakups happen weekly. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards bite the dust. Why can't these people stay together? And why do we care? Finally, plastic surgery is never a good idea, especially when it goes horribly wrong.
- Intro
- My First Podcasting Interview
- Common Courtesy
- Marketing Rant Follow Up
- Celebrity Breakups
- All spun up in Boston
- Plastic Surgery
- Sign Off
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #8
Product and brand marketing has found it's way into every aspect of our lives. Your host thinks that sucks and wants you to know how "secret" marketing tactics have made you more of a target than you think. Podcasters are even getting in on the marketing frenzy and that's not a good thing. Also, Paris Hilton gets hacked!
- Intro
- Marketing Rant - It's Taking Over Our Lives!
- Billboards
- Movie Theaters
- Sporting Events
- Secret Marketing
- Movie Product Placement
- Celebrity Endorsements
- DVDs
- Magazines
- The Internet
- Marketing in Podcasting - Why it's not a good idea.
- Paris Hilton Gets Hacked
- Sign Off
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #7
It's the Academy Awards on the PCR! Get the full recap of the 347th (or something like that) Oscar ceremony that took place in Los Angeles on February 27th.
- Intro
- Million Dollar Baby wins big
- The red carpet
- Chris Rock sanitized
- The Jude Law joke
- The new show format
- The career of Hilary Swank
- My Hilary Swank and Liam Neeson sightings
- Martin Scorcese's career
- The ridiculousness of the awards "season" in Hollywood
- Sign Off
Friday, February 25, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #6
Adam Curry finds his way into the PCR via a snub and his rant on Daily Source Code about security in New York and at airports in the U.S. Also, have you had enough of reality television? Your host has had enough and wants you to know why.
- Intro
- Snubbed by Adam...
- Reaction to Adam Curry's comments on airport security
- Reality (aka low budget) television
- Reality Hall of Shame - The Biggest Loser, Who's Your Daddy, The Contender, Extreme Makeover
- Sign Off
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #5
On this episode of PCR, your merry host answers criticism on his NHL comments. Junk email, comedian Chris Rock, tsunami relief and parking lot mishaps also find their way into the crosshairs.
- Intro
- PCR #4 follow up - The NHL season cancellation.
- Has email become more of a burden than a benefit in your life? The host thinks so and lets fly on the problems with email today.
- Comedian Chris Rock delivers sharp, witty comedy with a "podcaster" attitude. A refreshing approach compared to the sterile quality of entertainment delivered today.
- The tsunami relief effort. Do people in the U.S. need to be assaulted from every direction on how and why to give to the effort? Your host thinks that people are generous enough not to need the media and celebrities to slam them over the head with requests for donations.
- Parking lot mania. People driving silly in parking lots has become all too common.
- Sign Off
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #4
The National Hockey League has dumped the 2004-2005 season. That's okay because very few people really care. The Grammys are completely ridiculous and definitely a waste of time for the serious music lover. Why does America love to celebrate people who've been victims of tragic circumstances? Sylvester Stallone is back and that's bad news! I watch the television show The Apprentice, and here's why.
- Intro
- End of the NHL season - Good Riddance, Does anyone care?
- Grammy Ridiculousness
- Britney Spears wins
- U2, Of Course They Won!
- Ray Charles finally gets his due
- Same old crap: Springsteen, Rod Stewart, Motorhead, Velvet Revolver (Guns n Roses)
- America's obsession with celebrating tragic circumstances
- Stallone does it again as 'Contender' commits suicide
- The Apprentice Wrap Up
- Sign Off
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #3
Do you love Google like I love Google? Google is taking over the world one search at a time. And that's a good thing! Do your neighbors piss you off? Sometimes yes and sometimes no I'd bet. It helps to get it all out in the open. Are celebrities poised to screw up in 2005? You bet. Michael Jackson and Robert Blake are just the start of a surely disastrous year for Hollywood's privleged few. LISTEN AND GET A FREE GMAIL INVITE!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #2
It's Valentine's Day! Good news for some, bad news for others. Do we really need this useless 'Hallmark' holiday? Snoop Dog is charged with rape, but not criminally. What gives? Let's face it, mail is boring with a capital B. But every once in a while you get a surprise. And Robert Blake shows us once again that celebrities are dumb after all.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #1
Opinions and rants on pop culture. In this installment, Robert opines on Podcasting, Steroids in Baseball, Michael Jackson and Best Picture nominee, Million Dollar Baby.
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