Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #19

Service...Where the hell is it these days? That's the question your host puts forth on this episode of the PCR. Champagne wishes, caviar dreams and a $2oo toilet repair. What? How do you feel about fodcasting? No misspelling there folks FODCASTING. Listen in for the details on that. Martha's in hot water again, Bad Santa rocks and of course, The Deadwood Update.

  • Intro
  • Program Notes
  • Service Rants
    • Saved by Amex
    • Home Depot Rant
    • The Lack of Service These Days
  • Fodcasting
  • Bad Santa Shocks and Surprises
  • Martha's Parole Issues
  • The Deadwood Update
  • NY Newsday Podcasting Article - link
  • Sign Off


glemak said...

fodcasting - that is so great :)

Anonymous said...


You were so dead-on about the corner store. I did not figure out how bad it was until I went to Europe for the first time last month. Chain resturants, Walmart, and giant cement parking lots make me want to gag now.

I live in the middle of nowhere, and still have lots of small stores to shop at, but the Super Walmart moved in to the area last year... Its just a matter of time before they destroy everything that good people have worked years to make.

Love the show,

Groucho in Central IL.

glemak said...

hey rob - speaking of mom & pop stores, i took your advice w/ the camera setup i just bought...

i bought it locally in stamford - instead of the big stores in nyc or even online...

sure, i paid a little more - but i got some great advice, especially on the storage card - and it's a store that i have a relationship w/ for the future...

Anonymous said...

May 01, 2005

Fake podcasting... good call on this corporate attempt by INFINITY to undermine genuine podcasters.



By the way, I saw Ian McShane on Real Time with Bill Maher (Episode 50)... He's a riot! I may just have to check out Deadwood one of these Sundays!

Keep 'casting! said...

Good points all. Mike makes a good point in that we have the power to visit the mom and pop places that still exist instead of the big players like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, The Home Depot, etc.

I'm not against the big dogs because they serve their own purpose, but we should try to direct some of our attention to the small places that can't compete on price, but might deliver another kind of value, like personal service.