Friday, July 01, 2005

Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #27

Back to business this week with some new rants on Scientology, the deli counter, poor parenting and frustrations with Apple Computer. Plus, a random celebrity sighting and answers to people's comments about last week's show.

  • Intro (0:00)
  • Last Week's Show Reaction (0:30)
  • Tom Cruise's Scientology Rampage (5:00)
    • The U.S. should hire his old publicist
  • Summer in NY City (7:10)
  • Popular Cults (8:30)
    • Scientology
      • My Scientology Story
    • The Kabbalah
  • Deli Counter Woes (23:40)
  • Psycho Mom at our new pediatrician's office (27:00)
  • Apple Computer Rant (31:25)
    • Podcasting support in iTunes is great, but they're products are closed
    • Are Apple owners part of a pseudo-cult?
  • Sign Off (35:00)


Anonymous said...

O.M.G. The "Psycho Mom" rant was great.

Anonymous said...

You may be right, Apple could be a cult. Or maybe Mac users have a kind of underdog mentality and a feirce loyalty. But if you visit Mac/Apple forums on the net, you would find we can be even more critical of our favorite computer maker than non users. I'm a Mac guy big time. When the Apple Store opened in Toronto I was there at 8:00am standing in line for 2 and a half hours so I could be one of the first 1500 in line for a free T-shirt and the buzz of being there. But...I really do think the Mac OS is better than Windows. It's the attention to details in the OS and the commitment to innovating or implementing new technology. It just feels good. Like driving a BMW and then driving a Honda Civic. Both cars are great, but it's the attention to detail that makes a Beemer feel like a better car.

Great rant as always, can't wait until next week for the next one. said...

Of course when I call Apple lovers a "cult" my tongue is planted firmly in cheek. If I was given a choice of buying an iPod, practicing the Kabbalah or being a Scientologist, I'd go for the iPod. Mr. Jobs does seem to have a way of mystifying the marketplace into lauding his company's every achievement. I'm not excited about iTunes in general or the iPod shuffle, yet millions of people swear by them and are proud to be members of the Apple community.

I don't think that Windows users have the same passion as a whole for their OS. Why is that? I think that Apple succeeds in making people feel like they're part of an exclusive club (hence the cult reference), while being part of the Windows community makes you feel like a customer at McDonalds. Other businesses definitely could learn something from Apple's ability to build that kind of brand loyalty.

Anonymous said...

on apple and podcasting...
since apple introduced its podcasting in itunes thing what, two days ago now? i've heard people complain on several occasions about how unfair it is that they need an ipod/itunes to listen to podcasts. i can understand where they are coming from too. if you had never heard of podcasting until you downloaded itunes then that makes sense and if i worked for apple, i wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of the name podcast. i do hope that people will understand that you don't need an ipod or itunes to listen in because podcasting isn't about selling ipods. said...

Absolutely, and I've been happily listening on my computer and my iRiver. This movement is an incredible opportunity for Apple and Microsoft as well. All of a sudden, people have tons of content to fill up their portable media devices with that's outside the realm of music. If the folks in Redmond are smart, they'll add podcatching support to Windows Media Player (which I'm not too fond of either) post haste.