Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Podcast NYC: Pop Culture Rant #28

Andy Warhol once said that everyone would have their 15 minutes of fame. I think all of those people will now have 30 minutes on a reality show after their 15 minutes of fame. I go for the jugular once again, taking on the likes of Bob "Mr. Self Promotion" Geldof, Apple (once again), and of course a few celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. Oh and there will be a service rant or two in the mix.

  • Intro (0:00)
  • Apple Hijacking Podcasters Media (1:22)
  • Post Office Rant (6:29)
    • Please sign your credit cards prior to aproaching the window!
  • Chevrolet warranty service gripes (11:45)
  • Live8 Accomplishes Nothing (18:55)
    • More rock star posing featuring Bob Geldof
    • Oversimplification of a very serious issue
  • Britney Spears' Money Issues (27:30)
    • Mrs. Federline (Yo!) needs more cash
  • Lindsay Lohan - Lollipop Girl (31:32)
    • 19 going on 40
  • Sign Off (35:30)


Anonymous said...

In regards to the post office rant: has a very extensive online component. You can order prepaid envelops and boxes, which you can just drop off in any post office box. You can also print out shipping labels online (via their "Click & Ship" section). They have a ton of shipping supplies (envelopes, boxes, stickers, etc) available for FREE from their store. What I did was order a bunch of the regular sized envelops, went to Staples and picked up a small postal scale, then just use the online shipping label service to mail my packages. Once I print out the labels from my printer, I can just drop the package into any mailbox I see. said...

Unfortunately, most post offices don't have scales that are available to the customers unless they go to the window. Why should I have to buy my own scale? They're pushing people towards these flat rate boxes and priority mail envelopes that cost more than the average parcel. No, they could do a lot better in offering services at the post offices themselves to allow people to serve themselves when mailing packages.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name's Angie and I'm a teen listener. Just wanted to say that I love the show and I'm thinking of starting my own podcast. Any advice? said...


I'm glad that you enjoy the show. Thanks for listening. My advice on podcasting would be to pick a topic that you really enjoy and make your podcast be about that thing. This way, you'll never get bored when doing the podcast and you'll always have something interesting (to you at least) to talk about. There's lots of advice to give on the technical side. You can look here for a post that explains some of the technical side. I hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

Great show... I downloaded 6 or 7 podcasts this week and this is the only one I subscribed to.

Did want to mention that I bought a new Saturn last month and it was a great experience - I had no trouble at all. And when I went to get my plates, they pulled the car into the garage, put the plates on and spot washed it BY HAND (damn sprinklers).

Course, I'm in Minnesota so that might have something to do with it... said...

That sounds like nice service. I am very sure that mileage varys when it comes to how you're treated by dealerships. Lesser populated areas where people might actually know each other tend to breed better attitudes. There's something to be said for dealerships that treat customers like friends rather than just a source of revenue.